Key Note Topic

The unleashed organisation

Freedom or Release Concept

Break your thought-prison

Why are not we equipped with the creativity we would like to have, why can we succeed only incremental innovation? These are key issues in today’s businesses, employing hordes of innovation managers and keeping management in suspense. Driven by the consumer, companies are falling into a tetany or a diarrhea of micro-incremental innovation.

This predominant lack of ideas in companies expression of a mental “corset”, says Bodo Antonic. Squeezed into a set of rules of procedures and behavior that take our breath away, we demand conformity from our employees and, at the same time, intellectual summit attempt.

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Therefore, Bodo Antonic talks about these rules of the game and dogmas, reveals solutions that create a mental easiness in enterprises.

In his keynote he shows how managers

  • be able to quickly free themselves from their own thought-prison
  • be able to break the chains of thought-prison of the employees
  • detect and eliminate superfluous game rules
  • discard ballast

His approach: Unleashing creativity by deconstructing the rules of rules of procedures and behavior. We need rules that support and not hinder us; rules that are relevant to employees and customers and whose number is based on the minimum necessary. The credo “Enjoy your freedom et work” generates unleashed creativity.

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Stressed businessman

Managing under pressure

Key Note Topic lessons from a rescue diver and interim manager As an interim manager, Bodo Antonic works under extreme conditions: he is short-termed charged

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Bodo Antonic

Business Continuity Management

“Crisis is rarely a black swan, but mostly as a result of a lack of consistency.”

For Bodo Antonic, trusted adviser for entrepreneurs and senior and middle management executives, the persistence and safety of the company are everything. Risk management processes, as they are anchored in some companies, do not go far enough for him even with the best will in the world. Due to a lack of experience in dealing with crises, possible risks are continuously underestimated.

Bodo Antonic

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Bodo Antonic loves change – and his keynote speeches are effective tools when it comes to change situations. His keynotes use force and momentum to set the impulses which are necessary for a transformation. Keynotes get your thinking going and shake up your beliefs and routines.

His activity as a keynote speaker rests on two pillars. On the one hand, he is relying on his experience as an interim manager, who has to initiate the turn for the better under pressure of time and resources in unknown territories. On the other hand, he benefits from his techniques and experiences as a rescue diver, who taught him to survive under pressure.